Summer Cold

matzo ball soup mosaic

Last Monday, during lunch with a friend, I felt that warning tickle in the back of my throat.

You know the one. That faint mealiness that hints at actual soreness to come.

Sure enough, as the day progressed, I got worse. The actual soreness. Sneezing. Congestion. Stuffy ears and head. The works.

And it’s really hanging in there. In spite of three kinds of decongestants, one hot toddy, and the passage of 11 days, I still feel lousy.

Add a summer heat wave–not to East Coast levels, but highs over 100 with humidity that is incredibly muggy for this part of the country–and I am not feeling good.

Under other circumstances, I’d pick up some matzo ball soup. But it’s just too hot.

Maybe day 12 will be better. Fingers crossed.

Photo by m kasahara, via Flickr.

6 thoughts on “Summer Cold

  1. One hot toddy isn’t enough. You need a constant supply of those suckers. Either those, or peppermint tea. I always get confused. Anyway, feel better soon! Colds are the worst.

      1. The other day I managed to nap at the same time as Sausage, and then once Loving Husband came home I napped again. I still managed to go to bed at a reasonable time. I was amazed at how much better I felt the next morning, and I didn’t even have a cold — I was just exhausted. It’s too bad we can’t all pull that off at least every now and then.

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