Is There Such a Thing as an Introvert Who Likes to Show Off?


I think so. I think that’s me.

Because I will often choose to stay home. But once I’m out and about, I’m in the middle of things. Want to play Cranium, but don’t want to deal with those Star Performer cards? Put me in, coach. Need someone to speak on your panel? Sure, as long as I know something about the topic.

I think I’m going to have to look my Myers-Briggs results and see what they say.

Photo by Martin Pettitt, via Flickr.

12 thoughts on “Is There Such a Thing as an Introvert Who Likes to Show Off?

  1. I’m right there with you. I’d rather stay at home under my covers, but I can easily give a talk to 300 people. Unlike you, however, I don’t want to know what Myers-Briggs has to say about me.

  2. I would be interested in seeing those results. I’ve no hard evidence, but I keep chancing upon blogs of self confessed introverts. I’ve never given spoken publicly, but I do have a radio show. That probably doesn’t count.

  3. 🙂 I do think most bloggers are introverts. I’m an extrovert though but I have a “high intimacy outlier” 🙂 which makes my extroversion more moderate than it would normally be.

    1. I’ve been reading a book that backs that up–they specifically talk about blogging, social media, and introversion.

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