What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

You Should Be a Manager

You’re very organized, motivated, and methodical.
Fair and objective, you can see all sides of a conflict. You are a good mediator.
You are task oriented. You do well with deadlines and schedules.
And while you can be a task master at times, you’re good at managing people and listening to their input.

You do best when you:

– Must have attention to detail
– Are in charge of people

You would also be a good accountant or personal assistant.

Indeed, I am my father’s daughter.

1 thought on “What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

  1. I just checked out that quiz. Apparently I should be either a politician or a social worker because of my love of abstract art! Strange, strange way to recommend a career. (I’ll keep writing and editing; I prefer not to work with real-live people too often.)

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