It’s been a while since we went to a carnival, even though one sets up in the park near us each year. Maybe more than once a year? I don’t know. Between the noise and the crowds, it seemed like a stretch for Baguette.
Over the past couple of years, we’ve learned that she does like amusement park rides. And this carnival had a number of kids-only rides.
But therein lies the rub: Would she ride without one of us? She never has before.
Turns out that’s not an issue.
Apparently the 100-degree heat wasn’t an issue, either. The lure of the carnival overcame her dislike for hot weather.
And we’re thrilled on all counts.
We have season tickets to Hershey Park, quite close to our house. A few other occasions, we visit other amusement parks and/or carnivals.
The level of joy I had when I realized I didn’t need to ride every ride with my kids (they were always intrigued by riding…anything, but leaving me wasn’t in the cards) was wonderful. It reminds me of a friend of mine who mentioned that parenthood gets so much easier when kids learn to work swings all by themselves.
I remember Hershey Park! We went once when I was a kid in Maryland. We’ve taken Baguette to a couple of kids’ amusement parks and to Disneyland once. Seeing her take this step was really exciting.