What Baguette Is Saying These Days

Here are a few things we’re likely to hear from Baguette right now: “I want listen to Pajanimals music.” “I want iPad, please.” “That wunnerfull!” (most likely to be heard just after she jumps into the pool and surfaces) And… Read moreWhat Baguette Is Saying These Days

Stubborn Little Girl

“Elmo!” “Say ‘please.’” Silence. “Baguette, ‘please’ is a nice way to ask for something you want. Say ‘please’ and you can watch Elmo.” Silence. “I know you can say ‘please.’ I’ve heard you do it before. Say ‘please.’” Silence. “Okay…. Read moreStubborn Little Girl

Pajanimals Redux

So Baguette has a deep and abiding love for Pajanimals. That means that when I saw that there was a new season planned, I thought, “Great! More than a dozen in rotation.” Wrong. We’re two episodes in, and this is… Read morePajanimals Redux


Baguette is a fan of Pajanimals. Apparently they’re going to get their own half-hour show, but for now we’re watching the short nighttime songs that air on Sprout each evening. It’s been 20 years since I regularly watched children’s programming,… Read moreLa-La-Lullaby