This is Winter?

I live in L.A., which means it never gets that cold. Mind you, you’ll find plenty of people bundled up against the weather. But it doesn’t rain that much, and while the temperatures can drop over night, a really cold… Read moreThis is Winter?

Ham and Beans

I’m trying to cook more, and to use what I have. One of the things I have is several freezer bags of ham, left over from a bout of Christmas cooking. Another thing I have is a variety of dried… Read moreHam and Beans

Day Care is Important

We’ve always known we love Baguette’s day care center. It’s like paying a second mortgage, but totally worth it–we miss her, but we don’t worry about her. And when she’s there all day, that’s important. The teachers balance structure, creativity,… Read moreDay Care is Important

My 5 Favorite Things (for newborns and new moms)

After I had Baguette, several friends had babies of their own. Since then, several others have as well. I’ve sent each of them a series of e-mails with products that worked or didn’t work for me; somehow it seemed that… Read moreMy 5 Favorite Things (for newborns and new moms)

Who’s Got Time for the Mommy Wars?

Seriously, who are these people? They flame on blog posts, they appear on Anderson Cooper’s show, they write books. Write books? Who has the time? I mean, I don’t have time to read , much less write, unless I’m on… Read moreWho’s Got Time for the Mommy Wars?

Stubborn Little Girl

“Elmo!” “Say ‘please.’” Silence. “Baguette, ‘please’ is a nice way to ask for something you want. Say ‘please’ and you can watch Elmo.” Silence. “I know you can say ‘please.’ I’ve heard you do it before. Say ‘please.’” Silence. “Okay…. Read moreStubborn Little Girl


I yell at Baguette a lot. Not when I’m angry or frustrated–that’s happened from time to time, but I’m generally able to talk through it with Mr. Sandwich rather than snap at her. Everyone should get to be married to… Read moreYelling

We Watch a Lot of Sesame Street

Mr. Sandwich: It seems like a lot of Muppets look like Keith Olbermann. Or Ben Affleck. Me: Maybe Keith Olbermann and Ben Affleck look like Muppets. Mr. Sandwich: That’s also possible.

January 2, 2012: Looking Ahead

I’m not a big believer in New Year’s Resolutions, primarily because I never keep them. But I do have goals. Here’s what I’m looking at for 2012: Get our house in order. Literally. I can’t teach Baguette to clean up… Read moreJanuary 2, 2012: Looking Ahead