New To Us
Every few months, I take Baguette to Stride Rite so that we can get her fitted for shoes. And every time, she walks away in a new pair of shoes, because (a) her feet have grown, and (b) I cannot… Read moreNew To Us
Food. Family. Fun.
Every few months, I take Baguette to Stride Rite so that we can get her fitted for shoes. And every time, she walks away in a new pair of shoes, because (a) her feet have grown, and (b) I cannot… Read moreNew To Us
Wind Map at Sometimes an illustration is better than an explanation. This is one of those times. Biohazard onesie at ThinkGeek Admit it. You’ve had days when you thought this. And now you wish you’d come up with the… Read more3 Things I Found While I Was Looking Around
After her bath, Baguette loves to brush her teeth. I should probably say that she loves to “brush” her teeth, because mostly what she does is swish the toothbrush around her mouth, alternating with waving it under the running water…. Read moreOral Hygiene, the Toddler Way
As a newborn, Baguette hated sponge baths. They were an affront to humanity. Then she graduated to the whale tub with its infant insert. And she hated it. Last summer, with much trepidation, we introduced her to the pool. And… Read moreBathtime for Baguette
That’s what Mr. Sandwich has given me so far, with every grand gesture and every small kindness. Happy Anniversary, sweetheart. There’s no one I’d rather pedal uphill with.
Like Tragic Sandwich here? Now you can like me on Facebook, too! Of course, I’m still on Twitter and Pinterest as well. I don’t know if that’s too much Tragic, but it may be too much Sandwich. Choose your poison,… Read moreMore Tragic and Sandwich Than Ever!
No title, but if I were going to provide one, I guess it would be “Pinhead” at Awkward Stock Photos Some of these are NSFW. Even without those, I wonder what all of these people were thinking. Grilled Cheese Invitational… Read more5 Things I Found While I Was Looking Around
Last night we went to the grocery store. Baguette hates going to the grocery store, but she loves being there. And who wouldn’t? There’s so much to look at. She ran around (we are careful to go when it’s not… Read moreThe Thank-You Bandit
Monday morning I folded the sofa bed back up and discovered that one of the legs has broken. Sadness. We’ll have to buy a replacement; in the meantime, we’ll be jury-rigging the broken leg. If we don’t, how will we… Read moreSofa Bed Calamity
And this, apparently, is me: Courtesy of