Mom-Friendly Meals: Ramen

Ramen with spinach and poached egg

  • Bring two cups of vegetable broth to a boil.
  • Open a packet of ramen noodles. Throw away the flavor packet. Boil the noodles for three minutes.
  • Add a handful of rinsed spinach leaves, a splash of soy sauce, a splash of sesame oil, and a few drops of sriracha.
  • Pour ramen, broth, and spinach into bowl.
  • Boil another pot of water. Stir into a whirlpool and drop in a cold, cracked egg. Turn off the heat and cover for five minutes.
  • Remove the egg from the pot with a slotted spoon. Add to bowl.

Seriously, this could not be easier, or tastier. And just for the record, this is the first time I ever poached an egg this way.

8 thoughts on “Mom-Friendly Meals: Ramen

  1. This is a staple of Korean cooking, except my ex-husband insisted that the ramen noodles sold at American grocery stores are disgusting. You must buy the kind sold at the Korean grocery. They actually are better–different spices, I guess– but not much. Oh, and the egg goes right in with the noodles to cook, and after you put it in the bowls, you add kimchee. That’s just a given. And I’ve never heard of sriracha. Otherwise, I used to make this all the time. I had forgotten about it, though it is tasty! The kimchee makes it nice and spicy and yummy. I’ll have to make it again, now!

    1. It looked like failure when I took the lid off, but when I took out the actual egg, it turned out to be just fine. Four minutes might have been enough.

  2. I’ve done eggs that way – they’re great, aren’t they? That looks like a terrific and easy meal. I’m on the hunt for an easy dinner so maybe that’s it. Also considering pancakes.

      1. A blog friend mentioned Nigella Lawson’s recipe the other day and I actually did end up making them – they were fantastic and we had fun having breakfast for dinner. We don’t do it often, so it was a nice change. I highly recommend that recipe – fast, easy, and really good.

        1. I’m working my way through a Costco-sized container of Bisquick, but I’ll have to look that up once I’m through the mix.

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