“You Are What You Tweet”
And this, apparently, is me: Courtesy of Visual.ly
Food. Family. Fun.
And this, apparently, is me: Courtesy of Visual.ly
I am not a runner. Now, perhaps you are thinking, “But, Tragic Sandwich, your ‘About Me’ page says, ‘I am a lazy triathlete.’ How can you not be a runner?” Simple, my friend. I pick my triathlons very carefully–sprint class,… Read moreMarathons
Baguette likes to stand on the stepladder in front of the sink and brush her teeth. She identifies all the toothbrushes–which one is hers, which one is Mommy’s, which one is Daddy’s. She gets it right every time; this girl… Read moreWhat I Want for Baguette
Are you on Pinterest? I’m building my boards–why don’t we follow each other?
“Elmo!” “Say ‘please.’” Silence. “Baguette, ‘please’ is a nice way to ask for something you want. Say ‘please’ and you can watch Elmo.” Silence. “I know you can say ‘please.’ I’ve heard you do it before. Say ‘please.’” Silence. “Okay…. Read moreStubborn Little Girl
This year I made two important decisions regarding this blog. The first was to take off the first two months of the year. While I’ve been blogging since 2005, I realized that I was losing enthusiasm. So I stopped blogging,… Read moreNew Year’s Eve, 2011: Looking Backward
. . . when you got some stuck on your shoe. But did your mom put a picture of it on the Interwebs?
“It’s got wheels!” It’s an actual sentence, as opposed to a phrase that appeared about the same time: “Silly Daddy.” Mr. Sandwich points out that I have already blogged about this subject. Harumph. Silly Daddy.
At least, I assume that’s why she keeps taking saucepans out of their drawer and trying to put them on top of the stove. I’m so glad she can’t quite reach it.
Do you know a baby? Is that baby sassy? Tragic Sandwich Infant Creeper by TragicSandwich Hate baby clothes? Here’s a mug. Tragic Sandwich: The Muggening by TragicSandwich Hate hot beverages? Here’s a mousepad. Tragic Sandwich: The Mousepad by TragicSandwich