In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning

Baguette has been waking up hungry. And screaming. And not really waking up, so we kind of have to guess what the problem is–but it always winds up being that she’s hungry. I don’t like giving her milk in the… Read moreIn the Wee Small Hours of the Morning

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Actually, I like the rain, except when I have to commute in it. But I do think that the rain predicted for today and Sunday is going to put a damper (that only sounds like a pun) on our usual… Read moreRain, Rain, Go Away

A Dream Come True

One morning, before I was pregnant with Baguette, Mr. Sandwich said, “I had a dream last night. I was in the hallway, and a little girl in pajamas came up to me and said, ‘Daddy, I had a bad dream…. Read moreA Dream Come True

Pajanimals Redux

So Baguette has a deep and abiding love for Pajanimals. That means that when I saw that there was a new season planned, I thought, “Great! More than a dozen in rotation.” Wrong. We’re two episodes in, and this is… Read morePajanimals Redux

One of Those Weeks

You know how sometimes everything hits at once? This is one of those times. Somehow every project I have at work is at a crunch point. One of them seems headed into some sort of death spiral (naturally, this is… Read moreOne of Those Weeks

Mom-to-Mom (or Dad): Lunch Time

How do you pack lunches for your toddler? And what do you pack? Baguette is not a fussy eater–in fact, she has been known to enjoy a spicy dish or two. She’s starting to get intrigued by forks. That tells… Read moreMom-to-Mom (or Dad): Lunch Time

Big Sigh, and Giggles

A week from today, Baguette will be 18 months old. I’m pretty sure she’s already turned 2. Last night, Pajanimals was banished for the evening. Why? Because someone was throwing her food, even after more than one warning. After a… Read moreBig Sigh, and Giggles

Savoring the Moment

Deciding to take Friday off for cleaning and organizing has already made me feel better. Now that I know when I’m going to do this work, I don’t have to keep stressing over the fact that I haven’t done it…. Read moreSavoring the Moment

It’s an Honor Just to Be Nominated

It’s always nice to be recognized. And I don’t mean “you look kind of familiar–do I know you from the elevator?” Which just backfired on me last week. I mean the “Bravo! Great job!” kind. This week, another blogger, Puns… Read moreIt’s an Honor Just to Be Nominated


Baguette is a fan of Pajanimals. Apparently they’re going to get their own half-hour show, but for now we’re watching the short nighttime songs that air on Sprout each evening. It’s been 20 years since I regularly watched children’s programming,… Read moreLa-La-Lullaby