It’s an Honor Just to Be Nominated

It’s always nice to be recognized. And I don’t mean “you look kind of familiar–do I know you from the elevator?” Which just backfired on me last week. I mean the “Bravo! Great job!” kind. This week, another blogger, Puns Probably Intended, has given me this kind of recognition in nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award.

As the recipient of this award, I have some responsibilities to fulfill. These are as follows:

1. Thank the person who shared the award by linking back to them in my post. (See above)
2. Pass this award to 15 recently discovered blogs and let them know that I’ve included them in my blog post. (See below.)
3. List 7 things about myself. (See below that.)

And now, will the following bloggers please stand up and be recognized?

2. Casual Kitchen
3. Dooce
4. Dreaming of Sand Between My Toes
5. Frugal Mama
6. Gettysburg Family
7. Oilandgarlic’s Blog
8. Parent Girls
9. Punch & Pills & Pie
10. Suburban Snapshots
11. Tea & Scandal
12. That Darn Kat
13. The Happiest Mom
14. The Lyons Den
15. Zen Crafting

Now for the seven things:

1. I like working away from the house, but I really miss that one day of telecommuting they used to let me have.
2. I worry a lot about our dog, because I love her and she’s old and we only got her two years ago and how will I explain it to Baguette when the dog isn’t there anymore?
3. I am capable of fighting with anyone about nearly anything.
4. I am proud of that, and I also recognize that it is maybe not so good most of the time.
5. I miss going to the movies a lot less than I expected to.
6. I miss watching TV a lot more than I expected to.
7. If I won the lottery, I would hire an organic house-cleaning service to come every week. But I would probably still have too much paper everywhere.

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