At least, that seems to be her take on it. Me, I love sleep. I’m well aware that I don’t get enough, and would love to get more.
But Baguette resists bedtime, and does everything she can to avoid napping. Here are some of her tactics:
- Yelling “Elmo!” as loud as possible, because TV will keep her awake.
- Standing up repeatedly in bed, because moving and looking around will keep her awake.
- Rubbing the ends of Mommy’s hair across her cheek, because . . . I don’t know. I have no idea why she felt the need to rub her armpits with my hair, either, but she sure did want to do that yesterday.
- Pointing out whose pillow is whose, because inventory will keep her awake.
- Staring fixedly ahead in the car when she’s clearly been exhausted for an hour, because thinking “How can I get rest without going to sleep?” will keep her awake.
I think maybe she’s in SEAL training.
She’s amazing. Inventory puts me straight to sleep.